Late Starter to FI Series

As a late starter to FI (Financial Independence) myself, I am intrigued by other late starters’ stories. I am defining late starters here as those of us who start on the FI journey in our 40s, 50s and 60s.

There are many of us out there but when I started on my own path, they were not visible. Or visible to me.

For this reason, I would like to share our stories. Knowing we are not alone is very powerful.

Are our stories any different from those who start much earlier? Maybe, maybe not. There will be many similarities. Everyone arriving at financial independence will have done one of these three things – increase income, decrease expenses and invest the difference ie the gap between income and expenses.

But how did we get here? How will we now undo the years of lifestyle inflation? Shopping habit? 

Do we compensate for the lack of time left? Will compounding interest still work?

How will we move forward to the prized destination of Financial Independence? Can we still Retire Early?

This is what fascinates me! I hope you will will find these stories inspiring and motivating – that you will take action to start today, continue on your path and finish strong at the coveted destination.

I and others who have shared our stories are cheering you on!

Please email me at if you fit our late starter profile and would like to share your story. You absolutely do not have to be a blogger or podcaster. 

I aim to share as many stories representing folks from all walks of life – please reach out and share your story especially if you do not see your story or life circumstances reflected here.