your path to a successful retirement starts here ...

iPad showing Slay the Alarm Clock Retirement Planning Journal with coffee

slay the alarm clock

retirement planning journal

Clueless on what you’d like to do when you retire?

Slay the Alarm Clock Retirement Planning Journal helps you to visualise and articulate what your dream retirement looks like. It’s filled with prompts and questions to help you reflect on the retirement you want.

How do you know how much to save if you don’t know what you want to do when you finally retire?



slay the alarm clock retirement planning journal

We start by looking at your current lifestyle eg What do you enjoy doing? Who do you enjoy spending time with?

Using the guided journal prompts and questions, start dreaming about your future retirement & building a list of experiences / activities you’d like to explore

Now, you can start making small (or big) changes as you transition into retirement

Why wait until you retire to fully live your life?


you will ...

after completing the journal

This is perfect for you if...

the thought of retirement fills you with trepidation and fear

you never find time to think about what you'd like to do in retirement

you want a fulfilled, happy and successful retirement

This is not for you if...

you don't care about retiring well

you refuse to take action

you want to know how to fund your retirement

Get to know me

meet Latestarterfire

Hello! I am a late starter in the Financial Independence Retire Early (FIRE) community. It is traditionally full of youngsters ready to retire early in their 30s and 40s. But I found the community in my late 40s when I was anxious about my woeful retirement savings.

As I sorted out my finances by using the strategies of the FIRE community, I began to think about what I want out of retirement. I am now excited and looking forward to retiring at 55.

After all, what is the point of saving and investing for my retirement if I’m a wreck by the time I arrive OR if I didn’t know what sort of lifestyle or activities I’d pursue?

So Slay the Alarm Clock Retirement Planning Journal was born! I want to help you reflect on the retirement you want and be really excited about your future.

The key to a successful retirement is to plan for both the financial AND non financial aspects. Slay the Alarm Clock Retirement Planning Journal is about the non financial part of planning for your retirement. Grab it for FREE for a very limited time!

If you’d like to learn about the financial aspects, my Late Starter to FIRE Action Plan (plus 13 Week Companion Journal & Planner) will be more suitable.

Latestarterfire  x

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